Monday, March 23, 2009

Check Out This Squid

Ever sit at home on your computing device looking up stuff on Google that you wouldn’t want to tell too many people about? Yeah, I look up porn all the time too, but this isn’t about erotic images, that’s for another day.

Well, I’m feeling pretty open about sharing my little secret tonight, so here it is. I really, REALLY enjoy looking up bizarre creatures on Google. This Giant Squid is just one example…

Damn, that's sweet.

What’s so great about a Giant Squid you ask? Shit, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that I’ve never actually seen a squid, or the fact that if I was out chilling on boat in the Atlantic that I’d rather see a Great White Shark than look starboard and see a Giant Squid rollin’ up on my ass.

So, there you have it, I love Googling squid. Please feel free to share your secret Google fetishes. I’m always looking for new material.

1 comment:

  1. That squid is fucking terrifying...but you want to know what keeps me up late at night, aside from my terrible habit.....
    Ya, Shark-snake
