Recently, one of our few loyal followers suggested that we all tell everyone about our greatest sports moment. Teebs touched on his a little while ago. As DC Lords, Jon and I used to laugh about never knowing or hearing what my at-bat music was.
He said that because I hit after him, he never noticed it because either he was too pumped because he got a hit, or too pissed off because he made an out.
But enough nostalgia...Oh. Wait, I'm about to tell you about my greatest sports moment.
(never mind)
The date was July 13, 2000. I know that because I'm looking at the baseball.
I was 17 years old, and still mainly a starting pitcher. When I look back on it, 17 should have been just the beginning. I had been pitching for about seven or eight years, but I still had a lot of years left, right?

Just two years later, I felt something in my shoulder, and I was basically done. Now, I wasn't going anywhere special. Let's make that clear right now, but I thought I would pitch in senior baseball somewhere down the line.
Anyway, on that July afternoon in the year 2000 (before the humans are dead) I was pitching for the Port Hope Ontarios. I believe that was midget age. Port Hope also had a minor midget team, which was rare. And today we were playing those guys.
They were guys we all knew, and basically were just a year younger than I was.
The game wasn't close. I don't remember how we scored the runs, but we got 14 of them.
Around the third or fourth inning I suddenly realized I had a no-hitter going.
As a pitcher, you always know you have one going , but it might take you until you get around to the top of the order to really realize it.
"Hey! hmm, I've got a no-no going here."
To be honest, I don't remember the last out, but I remember that I walked only one guy.
Shouldn't have walked him, either. Damn.
If you're still wondering, yes, I did in fact throw a no-hitter.
And it was a fantastic feeling.

One walk and six strikeouts in total. And a 14-0 win.
Thanks for comin' out minor midgets.
great story! good to see u using my idea and i have another one for you...everyones worst and or best night out at the bar?