Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snookin For Love

Does anyone still read this??

What great dedication the 3 of us have here. We come back after a huge hiatus and bang out a few posts, then Goody and I take another month off and Nabber tosses in a Mark McGwire post about a week after it was actual news. (Great post though Nabber, agreed with all of it, I miss your face).

Anyways, we've been talking way too much about sports lately. Who really gives a damn about sports in January when you live in the GTA? Seriously. Everyone sucks. It's depressing.

Instead of talking about sports I'm just gonna hit you with a few things that matter to me on this particular day.

1. It's Saturday night and I'll be heading out to the Whitby scene with a few of the boys soon. (No Girls Allowed). What the fuck happened to this place? When I was 19 this town was full of decent bars to go to. Now where can I go? The Tap & Tankard andddddd..... yeah that's it. OTR is now the Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch Outlet Mall, Lava is just flat out gone (RIP), Heat is, well... Heat, and Sand Bar/110/Echo/former gay bar/Rodeo Saloon is just god awful. Oh, and what a horrible name. Rodeo Saloon? Fuck that's creative. Let's just pick out two Western related words and put them together. I guess Cowboy Ranch didn't make the cut. Awful.

2. TV viewing has been pretty solid lately. What more can be said about Jersey Shore? You could tell from the previews of this show that it was destined for greatness. I'd easily put it in my top 5 reality shows of all time. My only gripe is that there was no mention of the "My New Haircut" video by MTV or anyone for that matter. The After Show or something should've done a segment where they used pieces from that video and ran them in comparison with some of the moments on the show. It would've been outstanding. Maybe I'll work on that for the blog here. Ha, yeah right...

I'm hooked on The Bachelor as well. He's so fuckin cute. Whaaaat...I mean I'm hooked on the show. 2 hours is a little much, there are far too many gratuitous ab shots of the guy and I don't see how going to an amusement park with 5 girls would ever be fun, but what the hell. I get to see a bunch of chicks (several with storebought boobs) parade around and listen to all the dumb things they say. I also get to listen to my dad ask me if I'm "turning gay on him" and if I'm ever going to get a girlfriend again. Awesome.

3. If you haven't already, go watch the movie The Hurt Locker. There were a lot of good movies in 2009 that Avatar is completely overshadowing, and this is definitely one of them. Avatar was great, no doubt, but not THAT great. Other than the visuals, which are definitely amazing, the rest is standard fare. I'm not gonna sit here and hate on Avatar, it was very good. The Hurt Locker was just a really cool movie. I haven't seen a movie where I actually gave a fuck about the characters in a while, but I did in this. Just really gripping and very entertaining all around. Jesus, what is this, Ebert and Roeper? Just go rent it, it's sweet.

Well that was a nice change from talking about the Black Jays and Gayple Leafs. I'm gonna throw out my NFL picks for fun though for all you sports junkies.

Colts 23 Jets 13

Vikings 31 Saints 28

By the way, I'm 2-6 so far. Those are probably losing picks.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mark McGLiar

Hello out there!

Just wanted to give my take on the whole Mark McGwire situation, even though it's somewhat "old news" at this point.

Mark McGwire is a joke. Not because he used steroids though, oh no no no. I understand the "era" for what it was - a time when every Mark, Jose and Barry was able (allowed?) to 'roid up.

Since this story broke, a few former players have spoken out about this issue, including Jack Clark and the great Carlton Fisk. They're all totally against all of this, and I don't blame them.
They were guys who worked hard to get to where they got to, probably without the use of banned substances like steriods.

But why should someone like me get all twisted up over this? I didn't play. Roids were NOT against the rules in Major League Baseball, and although I tend to be more on the side of the guys that didn't use, I see clearly the viewpoints of the 'roid users. And I understand why they took them. I don't really blame them, and I'm not angry at all.

Back to McGwire. He came out and admitted that he used steroids.
Ok that's great Mark, but why don't you go all the way with the truth?
McGwire believes that steroids did not help him hit any of his 583 career homeruns.
He only used them to "stay healthy and get back onto the field."


Why does he think anyone will buy that? It's such a joke.
Again, come out and say you did it, but when you do, just say some thing along the lines of
"It was a mistake, and I regret it. I owe some of my numbers to steroids, that's for sure."
I would love to see that. So would everyone else.

And just as a side not here, McGwire is not a hall of famer either. I believe people should get into the hall of fame regardless of steroid use, but even so, Big Mac's numbers do not stack up enough for me. All he has going for him are the 583 homers.

Now, that's a shit load of dingers, but do me a favour and look at some of the guys in history who have close to, but not quite 500 homers.
Then compare the other offensive numbers of those guys to McGwire's.

In closing, Mark McGwire might be a good guy, but he's a terrible liar.