Just wanted to give my take on the whole Mark McGwire situation, even though it's somewhat "old news" at this point.
Mark McGwire is a joke. Not because he used steroids though, oh no no no. I understand the "era" for what it was - a time when every Mark, Jose and Barry was able (allowed?) to 'roid up.
Since this story broke, a few former players have spoken out about this issue, including Jack Clark and the great Carlton Fisk. They're all totally against all of this, and I don't blame them.
They were guys who worked hard to get to where they got to, probably without the use of banned substances like steriods.
But why should someone like me get all twisted up over this? I didn't play. Roids were NOT against the rules in Major League Baseball, and although I tend to be more on the side of the guys that didn't use, I see clearly the viewpoints of the 'roid users. And I understand why they took them. I don't really blame them, and I'm not angry at all.

Back to McGwire. He came out and admitted that he used steroids.
Ok that's great Mark, but why don't you go all the way with the truth?
McGwire believes that steroids did not help him hit any of his 583 career homeruns.
He only used them to "stay healthy and get back onto the field."
Why does he think anyone will buy that? It's such a joke.
Again, come out and say you did it, but when you do, just say some thing along the lines of
"It was a mistake, and I regret it. I owe some of my numbers to steroids, that's for sure."
I would love to see that. So would everyone else.
And just as a side not here, McGwire is not a hall of famer either. I believe people should get into the hall of fame regardless of steroid use, but even so, Big Mac's numbers do not stack up enough for me. All he has going for him are the 583 homers.
Now, that's a shit load of dingers, but do me a favour and look at some of the guys in history who have close to, but not quite 500 homers.
Then compare the other offensive numbers of those guys to McGwire's.
In closing, Mark McGwire might be a good guy, but he's a terrible liar.
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