Isn't it awful when the only time I come here to write something is when I'm bored out of my tree?
I just came to that realization now. Many things enter the old dome during the course of the day that I either find funny, annoy me or just plain piss me off, but I do not come on here to post such thoughts. Well, starting now I am making a pledge to all of you (insert joke about having little to no readers here) that I will make more of an effort to contribute to this thing.
Now, having just read the previous post (dated February 17th - meaning Teebs and Goody never come on here either...I am not alone!), I'm going to give my two cents on the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
I'll say this: I usually don't watch the Olympics with great interest, but this year I was watching every day and loving almost of of the events (the cross-country skiing makes for bad television, yet no one is more exhausted or looks like they gave more effort than when the skiers cross the finish line).
Where was I? Oh yes...The games were pretty fantastic and it's great the Canadian athletes made such a strong push at the end to set a record for Gold Medals - the last being capped off with a Sidney Crosby OT winner. Incredible.
I don't know if I'll watch the next Olympic games as closely as I watched these, being that were on home soil, but I have more of an appreciation of the athletes and the events.
And now onto something that boils my blood often...the eternal whipping boys...Your Toronto Black Jays!!!
I don't know if I've touched on this before, but why is the formerly monikered SkyDome now called "Rogers Centre"? Do they play hockey or basketball in there?
Seriously, who came up with such a ludicrous idea for a ballpark name?
Only a Canadian marketing whiz would come up with such an idea. And only someone with no baseball sense would come up with the black jerseys with the abbreviated "Jays"on the front. I'll get to that later.
Only one other ballpark is called something other than field, park or stadium, and that's the Oakland Alameda Coliseum. I think that's what it's called. They play football in there too. Whatever, I'm fine with that.
I believe that some imbecile said, "Hey, hockey rinks and basketball arenas are called centres, so we can ours one too." No, you can't moron. It's a ballpark. A Field. A Stadium. What the hell would be wrong with Rogers Field? Tell me.
It's the exact thing I hate about the Black Jays right now. They're making some strides to return to being a competitive ballclub, but sometimes they seem interested in things other than baseball.
Black Jays Marketing Whiz - "Let's call it a Centre so people will think there's other things to do other than watch the actual baseball game."
Wrong idea. The way to get fans to the ballpark is by putting a winner of the field. Simple.
Same with the uni's. Let's change the uniforms so people will buy new jerseys and hats because we're losing money.
Well, put a better club out there and you won't have to change your colors every 5 years and be a joke.
Yankees? Red Sox? Not a joke.
That brings me to my final point about the "Jays" thing.
I despise the fact that it says Jays on their jersey and that Sportsnet and Rogers has the nerve to say "Rogers Jays baseball".
Again, some fool thought that because fans casually refer to the Blue Jays as the "Jays" ("Hey, wanna go to the Jays game?"), that it was alright to refer to them that way on TV and in print. It looks bush league.
When you watch a Yankees game on YES, they never say "Yanks", it's always Yankees baseball.
That's what drives me bananas about the Blue Jays organization. Until they change some of these things (which may seem minor or even ridiculous to the casual fan), they will never be an historic franchise. They may never be one anyway, but it would go a long way with me if they started acting like a baseball team. That's just what happens I guess when you live in a country in which the sport isn't number one, and never will be.
Bit of a rant...
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