Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kevin Everett's Incredible Recovery
Early on in last year's NFL season, Buffalo Bills player Kevin Everett suffered an injury (fractured spine) that doctors said could be life threatening, and that he would likely not be able to walk again. Amazingly, Everett walked again only a few months later and is on the road to a full recovery.
Click the link below to watch a very short video.
Kevin Everett Moves Arms and Legs for the First Time
Another Day in the Life

Hello Blogosphere Plugs,
Now that I am done working for the summer and back for my last semester of University the production level of an average day has really dropped off, to say the least. I am currently enrolled in my final semester at the esteemed and historical UOIT. I am taking 2 courses (in the process of dropping one of the two, effectively cutting my workload in half!) and am also working part-time at the local sports facility, a job that can be summed up in two words: rink rat. I also put a few hours in at the Campus Gym, which is rather ironic because the the gym is one place I have avoided like the plague the past few months. My days are long and lazy, so please enjoy this example of a regular day in the life of I, Mathew Goodwin.
10:30 am - Wake up to the sound of my TV that I left on from the night before, look at my phone and realize it's only fucking 10:30! promptly fall back to sleep.
12:30 pm - Wake up for real.
12:40 pm - Get my ass outta bed, forego a shower and head to the kitchen for 2 or 3oversized bowls of cereal, watch sportscentre 2 or 3 times.
1:45 pm - Realize I have an assignment due tomorrow morning, decide to put it off until tonight.
2:30 pm - Play Rockband, my band needs more fans and I almost got through Painkiller on expert drums yesterday, better get practicing.
3:30 pm - All that drumming has made me hungyyy, proceed to make myself a pot of KD Sprials, eat the entire box right out of the pot, delicious!
4:00 pm - poop
4:30 pm - still pooping
5:00 pm - I remember I have an assignment due tomorrow morning, oh well, maybe I'll watch some TV. Alright! The Bird is the Word Family Guy episode!
7:30 pm - Wake up, must've fallen asleep for a bit on the couch.
8:00 pm - Don't go to the gym
9:00 pm - Starting to get hungry again, Call up Tbo and see if he's down for a Stuffed Crust Za or perhaps some Arby's or Wendiles.
9:02 pm - He is down.
9:30 pm - Fat.
10:00 pm - Back to the television, what's on....It's Tuesday, the new Hills is on, yes! I mean.....Isn't there any UFC on??
11:30 pm - Well, I should really get to that assignment soon, Fuck it, I'll peruse Facebook and do a few quizzes on and wake up at 7:00 am tomorrow and finish it.
7:00 am the next day - zzzzzz....
Waaaay Too Many Passwords
I forgot it existed. And because I forgot it existed, I forgot my password - one of 957 that I have for various websites. Can this problem be solved?
I signed up for a monster account and was actually told by my computer, when entering my desired password, that it wasn't "strong" enough.
Excuse me? Hey computer, I give the god damn orders alright? You do what I tell you...
Anyway, it's good to be back, like Teebs said. Many things have transpired over the summer, none of which any of us will ever get to. So let's just pretend those things never happened.
(I'm thinking of you Toronto Blue Jays)
I also want to run away from the absurd predictions I made months ago...
Something caught my eye in Major League Baseball today however, and I would like to share. (Notice how I didn't say "The MLB". People that say "The MLB" should be sent back to Grade 1. It's not The Major League Baseball. It is Major League Baseball. Let's not confuse it with the four other majors: NFL, NHL and NBA. It makes sense the throw the word "the" in front of those organizations. Canadian television personalities and Rogers Sportsnet are always making this comical foible.)
Today, the Cleveland Indians announces they have fired manager Eric Wedge with a more six games to play in 2009. How ridiculous. Teams do this a lot, but I don't really understand why. The Indians couldn't stomach firing Wedge when they were 40-60 in July?
The Jays did that to Cito back in 1997. They fired him with five games left.
I guess I didn't have a whole lot to say about that, just that it wrankles me.
Teebs is right. Now that summer is over and there is much less do to, I will be on more regularly. I'm thinking a weekly segment with yours truly.
Go get em' Goody.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Black Jays Forever
After realizing that other people actually read this shit I felt compelled to make a comeback……..and what better way to start it off by talking about the Toronto Blue Jays, the team of destiny, off to a great start, sure to be fighting for a playoff spot in September….

Fuck…. what were we thinking? How could I ever believe that Black Jays would be Blue for the first time since 1993? Why do I still take pleasure in the fact that they are dummying the Red Sox at this very moment? They’re a joke!
It’s funny to read Nabber’s post from June 18th below. How things have changed. Although I did not share his optimism at that point, nor his prediction that the Black Jays would be playoff bound, I agreed with the majority of his points.
I have no idea if what I’m about to say is accurate because I have done zero research, but I’ll throw it out there. The Jays’ collapse this year has to be one of the more underrated in recent memory in Major League Baseball. If the Yankees or Red Sox started 27-14 and held the AL East lead in mid-May only to shit the bed and finish well below .500 it would be HUGE. Would Joe Girardi still have a job? I doubt it. Would A-rod still be alive? Questionable.
While this season was a complete waste in terms of team results, there were definitely a few positives to take away from the campaign.
1) Aaron Hill had a monster year. He should definitely finish top 10 in MVP voting. He just hit his 36th bomb of the year and potentially could hit 40 the way he’s been hitting lately. Arguably, he is the best 2B in the league. Fuck you Pedroia, you’re a rat.
2) Adam Lind finally broke out and put up big numbers. We’ve been hearing for years how good of a hitter he will turn out to be and it was great to see him live up to the potential this year.
3) J.P. Ricciardi comes through with his all-time best move as the General Manager of the Toronto Blue Jays by releasing Alex Rios. Rios is and always has been an overrated piece of shit. Now Chicago White Sox fans can waste their time waiting for that clown to be an MVP candidate. Not gonna happen.
There are other positives but I don’t give a shit. They’re 73-84, who cares.
It’s good to be back on the blogosphere, I’m going to attempt to toss something on here fairly often as I do pretty much nothing at all otherwise.
Check ya later,