Hello Blogosphere Plugs,
Now that I am done working for the summer and back for my last semester of University the production level of an average day has really dropped off, to say the least. I am currently enrolled in my final semester at the esteemed and historical UOIT. I am taking 2 courses (in the process of dropping one of the two, effectively cutting my workload in half!) and am also working part-time at the local sports facility, a job that can be summed up in two words: rink rat. I also put a few hours in at the Campus Gym, which is rather ironic because the the gym is one place I have avoided like the plague the past few months. My days are long and lazy, so please enjoy this example of a regular day in the life of I, Mathew Goodwin.
10:30 am - Wake up to the sound of my TV that I left on from the night before, look at my phone and realize it's only fucking 10:30! promptly fall back to sleep.
12:30 pm - Wake up for real.
12:40 pm - Get my ass outta bed, forego a shower and head to the kitchen for 2 or 3oversized bowls of cereal, watch sportscentre 2 or 3 times.
1:45 pm - Realize I have an assignment due tomorrow morning, decide to put it off until tonight.
2:30 pm - Play Rockband, my band needs more fans and I almost got through Painkiller on expert drums yesterday, better get practicing.
3:30 pm - All that drumming has made me hungyyy, proceed to make myself a pot of KD Sprials, eat the entire box right out of the pot, delicious!
4:00 pm - poop
4:30 pm - still pooping
5:00 pm - I remember I have an assignment due tomorrow morning, oh well, maybe I'll watch some TV. Alright! The Bird is the Word Family Guy episode!
7:30 pm - Wake up, must've fallen asleep for a bit on the couch.
8:00 pm - Don't go to the gym
9:00 pm - Starting to get hungry again, Call up Tbo and see if he's down for a Stuffed Crust Za or perhaps some Arby's or Wendiles.
9:02 pm - He is down.
9:30 pm - Fat.
10:00 pm - Back to the television, what's on....It's Tuesday, the new Hills is on, yes! I mean.....Isn't there any UFC on??
11:30 pm - Well, I should really get to that assignment soon, Fuck it, I'll peruse Facebook and do a few quizzes on sporcle.com and wake up at 7:00 am tomorrow and finish it.
7:00 am the next day - zzzzzz....
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