Do people really enjoy eating vegetables?
This is a question I occasionally ponder, and I still haven't found a clear cut answer. I guess the easy answer is yes. Vegetarians/vegans must really enjoy eating them, right? Or do they? I feel like being a vegetarian/vegan is more of a choice based on the process of the meat manufacturing business than anything. No one can really like vegetables enough to eat them almost exclusively, can they?
I think vegetable consuming people fall into 3 categories.
A) The people who only eat veggies because they are good for them. These are the people who cook the shit out of vegetables, pour some sort of sauce all over them, mix them in with their mashed potatoes, rice, etc.. The people who convince themselves that since they eat corn and potatoes with most of their meals that they're pretty much getting their recommended veggie intake. If you haven't figured it out yet, this is me 100%.
B) The people who are trying to lose weight or are following some sort of diet for whatever reason. These are the people who force large amounts of veggies into their faces even though they hate their lives doing it. These are the girls out there who go to restaurants and order a salad, when everyone knows they really want the steak and potatoes. They fool themselves into thinking they enjoy what they are doing.
C) The mysterious creature that actually fills up their plate with greens, and loves it. A true anomaly.
I have a little anecdote to share with you to help you see where I'm coming from.
The other day I was having a conversation about either video games or pornography or both with my buddy James and he informed me that he was in the process of cooking up what he referred to as a "dirty" stir-fry. Curious like a cat, I asked what sort of ingredients he was using for this unclean meal. He enthusiastically told me that there was some chicken, garlic, carrots, broccoli, and then I stopped caring.
I asked, "Do you really enjoy eating that?" "Do you really love a meal that includes so many vegetables?"
His answer was basically this: "They are fine when you cook them with meat and stuff and can't really taste them."
Is it not strange that we eat things that we don't want to fully taste? I sure wouldnt want my steak to be cooked in a manner where I couldn't really taste it. My chicken wings better not be cooked with any ingredients where I can't enjoy their full flavour.
Another one that I can't really wrap my head around is eating mushrooms with steak. I know they aren't tecnhically veggies, but still. I actually hear that this dish is fantastic. Really though?I've tried mushrooms, and there's no doubt in my mind that they would hinder my ability to fully enjoy my juicy steak.
I'm making this sound like I eat zero vegetables, which isn't really true. Like I said before, as a category A veggie eater, I'm a huge corn and potato guy. 2 of the most useless vegetables a person can ingest. Here's a quick list of the other veggies I occasionally consume:
- Broccoli (with half a bottle of cheese whiz on top)
- Tomatoes (Ketchup, spaghetti sauce)
- Carrots (chopped up in tiny little pieces and dropped in some type of soup broth)
- Lettuce (an ingredient in the footlong subs I get which also include cheese, meat, a lot of ranch or southwest sauce, and a non-whole wheat form of bread)
- Peas (See Carrots)
- Onion (Either in Ring form, or in French Onion Soup)
- Pickles (vegetables?)
- Vegetable Thins (crackers)
OK, so I'm reaching a bit at the end there, gimme a break.
The point is vegetables are dumb.
If you are one of those insane people who actually enjoys eating them, please enlighten me as to why they are so great.
Anyways, I just got some McDonalds coupons in the mail today, gotta go check those out. Later.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Shorts!? Really!!??
I made my way up to the University campus on this beautiful day to have my grad photos taken. I enjoyed the drive along Taunton and up Simcoe with my windows down while I blasted Yeasayer. The unseasonably warm weather had me in jeans, a polo, and a rather heavy jacket which I probably didn't need to wear but was glad I did when I walked anywhere which the sun was not exposed. I parked my vehicle and began my 5 minute walk to the Student Centre to make love to the camera, on my way I came across a once endangered species, a species that now seems to be anything but endangered, but rather becoming more and more prevalent throughout North America every year. I am talking about, of course, the shortus weareritis. I said it myself earlier, it was a beautiful day, but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near warm up enough for short pants. I checked the weather app on my phone and to my surprise it was only 8 degress out, the way some of these plugs were dressed you woulda thought it was 35. I saw a few guys in shorts and t shirts, and then I saw a pair of dudes in shorts, hoodies, and one was even wearing a freaking toque! How is it that your head and ears as well as your arms are cold enough to cover up with material, but your legs are too warm, and need to be exposed? I know that everybody is getting excited because of the recent warm weather, but let's not get carried away people. Keep your legs covered until it hits 10 or 15 degrees at the very least.
I Can't Think of a Witty Title
Good to see the other 2 dusters get back in the mix here. Just hopped on here to touch on a few topics real quick.
1) I didn't even watch the finale of the Bachelor. After Gia got the boot and it became clear that Vienna was gonna take the cake I completely lost interest. The meaningless and horrible "Women Tell All" episode certainly didn't help the cause. I would like to point out that in an earlier column I predicted Ali becoming the next Bachelorette, which is actually happening. Good for me.
2) Ryan Howard is an idiot. If anyone reading this has ever watched a minute of baseball, please watch this (Hazel Mae with a nice appearance). There is so much wrong with his response about hitting .300 I can't even begin to fathom what is going through his head. "...I don't think people take into account how many hits I have taken away from the shift....if you add those hits back in, I'm hitting close to .300..." What the hell is that? Add those hits back in? Who does this guy think he is?
This is pretty much the equivalent of a reporter asking Alex Ovechkin, "Alex, what would it take for you to score 70 goals this year?" "Well, I feel like I've scored 70 goals every year, I don't think people take into account the goals that I've scored that get taken away by the goalies making saves."
News Flash: If you hit .270, you hit .270, you don't get to change the 30 line drives or deep fly balls that were caught into hits. Retard. Maybe he'd like to take away a few of his 200 strikeouts a year and change those into hits too. Might push him to .320. What a joke.
3) Nabber's not gonna like this, but I've recently made my first attempt at quitting dip/chew. I've been off the Skoal for a couple weeks now. I'm certainly aware of the negative effects it has on one's health, but that's not really what's behind my attempt to quit. It's the $15 price tag on tins at my local convenience stores and gas stations. Yes, I know they sell them for $10 at Smokey's Way on Simcoe, but even that's a lot. It should be noted that I've never really been a bigtime dipper compared to some people I know. I'd bang out 1 tin, occasionally 2 tins, per week, nothing major. So, you would think it wouldn't be that hard to stop...
Let's just say I'm absolutely dying for a pinch lately. I think about it all the time. I miss everything about it. It sucks.
4) Back to baseball real quick. I read a post on facebook where some guy that I don't know said "Vernon Wells needs to take hitting lessons". Of course, this bothered me. Hitting lessons? Really? Here's a lesson for everyone. Baseball is not golf, no one takes lessons. You take batting practice. You do hitting drills. Figure it out.
Here's one more lesson. Don't chirp my boyfriend Vernon, he's doing his best.
5) A few posts back I recommended The Hurt Locker to our readers. It won Best Picture last night at The Oscars and set a record for being the lowest grossing movie to win that award. I thought it was one of the more deserving winners in recent years. I was glad to see it beat out the overhyped, and maybe slightly overrated, Avatar.
That's about all for now. I'm gonna go buy 100 Skoal tins.
1) I didn't even watch the finale of the Bachelor. After Gia got the boot and it became clear that Vienna was gonna take the cake I completely lost interest. The meaningless and horrible "Women Tell All" episode certainly didn't help the cause. I would like to point out that in an earlier column I predicted Ali becoming the next Bachelorette, which is actually happening. Good for me.
2) Ryan Howard is an idiot. If anyone reading this has ever watched a minute of baseball, please watch this (Hazel Mae with a nice appearance). There is so much wrong with his response about hitting .300 I can't even begin to fathom what is going through his head. "...I don't think people take into account how many hits I have taken away from the shift....if you add those hits back in, I'm hitting close to .300..." What the hell is that? Add those hits back in? Who does this guy think he is?
This is pretty much the equivalent of a reporter asking Alex Ovechkin, "Alex, what would it take for you to score 70 goals this year?" "Well, I feel like I've scored 70 goals every year, I don't think people take into account the goals that I've scored that get taken away by the goalies making saves."
News Flash: If you hit .270, you hit .270, you don't get to change the 30 line drives or deep fly balls that were caught into hits. Retard. Maybe he'd like to take away a few of his 200 strikeouts a year and change those into hits too. Might push him to .320. What a joke.
3) Nabber's not gonna like this, but I've recently made my first attempt at quitting dip/chew. I've been off the Skoal for a couple weeks now. I'm certainly aware of the negative effects it has on one's health, but that's not really what's behind my attempt to quit. It's the $15 price tag on tins at my local convenience stores and gas stations. Yes, I know they sell them for $10 at Smokey's Way on Simcoe, but even that's a lot. It should be noted that I've never really been a bigtime dipper compared to some people I know. I'd bang out 1 tin, occasionally 2 tins, per week, nothing major. So, you would think it wouldn't be that hard to stop...
Let's just say I'm absolutely dying for a pinch lately. I think about it all the time. I miss everything about it. It sucks.
4) Back to baseball real quick. I read a post on facebook where some guy that I don't know said "Vernon Wells needs to take hitting lessons". Of course, this bothered me. Hitting lessons? Really? Here's a lesson for everyone. Baseball is not golf, no one takes lessons. You take batting practice. You do hitting drills. Figure it out.
Here's one more lesson. Don't chirp my boyfriend Vernon, he's doing his best.
5) A few posts back I recommended The Hurt Locker to our readers. It won Best Picture last night at The Oscars and set a record for being the lowest grossing movie to win that award. I thought it was one of the more deserving winners in recent years. I was glad to see it beat out the overhyped, and maybe slightly overrated, Avatar.
That's about all for now. I'm gonna go buy 100 Skoal tins.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Since You've Been Goneeeee
The recent effort of Nabber and myself has been pretty brutes marutes, kudos to Tbo for keeping things afloat with news of the bachelor while Nabber and I neglected this once widely popular blog.
A lot has happened since I last posted, the Olympic Games have come and gone to some scrutiny and much fanfare across Canada. The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love has come to a stupid yet predictable ending, and believe it or not; I actually have made my way to a place of excerice on a somewhat regular basis...pretty much look like The Situation these days.
Much has been written about the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Tbo talked about how some nations blasted the games for the small technical difficulties during the opening ceremonies and the lack of snow throughout Vancouver and Whistler, as well as the lack of organization during the 2 week celebration of sport. I agree with him that it is ridiculous for these people to ridicule the games for reasons which are out of our hands, as well as simple glitches that probably shouldn't have happened, but have no bearing on the outcome of any of the events. Now that the games are over it seems the only people that are still sour are the Russians, but this probably has more to do with the poor showing by their athletes than the Games themselves.
From a viewing perspective I thought the games were amazing, the coverage on TSN, CTV and Sportsnet (sorry APTN and RDS but you both suck) had many people waking up early and even more going to bed late so they could watch the ending of some ridiculous event that they would otherwise flip right by. I think that is what makes the games so amazing, especially when they are in Canada and so many of our athletes have a chance at doing something amazing. Watching something like Skeleton would never be exciting if it weren't for some beauty competing, winning, and boozing on the street after. Like Nabber, I won't be watching quite as much when the games are in Snookie, Russia, or whatever the place was called, but I am glad I had the opportunity to see such a successful Olympics Games in Canada in my lifetime.
On a side note, I loved the segments showing the medal winners with "I Believe" playing in the background, but If I ever hear that song again I'm going to lose my mind.
The Bachelor is over and Jake chose Vienna. The ending was lame, the after the rose show after was even lamer and I probably won't ever watch this show again.....Who am I kidding, did you hear Ali is the next Bachelorette? Who is down for a pool, $20 a person, winner take all? Viewing party at my house every week, be there.
Oh yes, The gym....I've been a few times, hate my life, had Arby's and then wings and deep fried pickles lastnight. I come.
A lot has happened since I last posted, the Olympic Games have come and gone to some scrutiny and much fanfare across Canada. The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love has come to a stupid yet predictable ending, and believe it or not; I actually have made my way to a place of excerice on a somewhat regular basis...pretty much look like The Situation these days.
Much has been written about the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Tbo talked about how some nations blasted the games for the small technical difficulties during the opening ceremonies and the lack of snow throughout Vancouver and Whistler, as well as the lack of organization during the 2 week celebration of sport. I agree with him that it is ridiculous for these people to ridicule the games for reasons which are out of our hands, as well as simple glitches that probably shouldn't have happened, but have no bearing on the outcome of any of the events. Now that the games are over it seems the only people that are still sour are the Russians, but this probably has more to do with the poor showing by their athletes than the Games themselves.
From a viewing perspective I thought the games were amazing, the coverage on TSN, CTV and Sportsnet (sorry APTN and RDS but you both suck) had many people waking up early and even more going to bed late so they could watch the ending of some ridiculous event that they would otherwise flip right by. I think that is what makes the games so amazing, especially when they are in Canada and so many of our athletes have a chance at doing something amazing. Watching something like Skeleton would never be exciting if it weren't for some beauty competing, winning, and boozing on the street after. Like Nabber, I won't be watching quite as much when the games are in Snookie, Russia, or whatever the place was called, but I am glad I had the opportunity to see such a successful Olympics Games in Canada in my lifetime.
On a side note, I loved the segments showing the medal winners with "I Believe" playing in the background, but If I ever hear that song again I'm going to lose my mind.
The Bachelor is over and Jake chose Vienna. The ending was lame, the after the rose show after was even lamer and I probably won't ever watch this show again.....Who am I kidding, did you hear Ali is the next Bachelorette? Who is down for a pool, $20 a person, winner take all? Viewing party at my house every week, be there.
Oh yes, The gym....I've been a few times, hate my life, had Arby's and then wings and deep fried pickles lastnight. I come.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Oh ya! I Sometimes (Okay, Rarely) Write For A Blog!
Isn't it awful when the only time I come here to write something is when I'm bored out of my tree?
I just came to that realization now. Many things enter the old dome during the course of the day that I either find funny, annoy me or just plain piss me off, but I do not come on here to post such thoughts. Well, starting now I am making a pledge to all of you (insert joke about having little to no readers here) that I will make more of an effort to contribute to this thing.
Now, having just read the previous post (dated February 17th - meaning Teebs and Goody never come on here either...I am not alone!), I'm going to give my two cents on the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
I'll say this: I usually don't watch the Olympics with great interest, but this year I was watching every day and loving almost of of the events (the cross-country skiing makes for bad television, yet no one is more exhausted or looks like they gave more effort than when the skiers cross the finish line).
Where was I? Oh yes...The games were pretty fantastic and it's great the Canadian athletes made such a strong push at the end to set a record for Gold Medals - the last being capped off with a Sidney Crosby OT winner. Incredible.
I don't know if I'll watch the next Olympic games as closely as I watched these, being that were on home soil, but I have more of an appreciation of the athletes and the events.
And now onto something that boils my blood often...the eternal whipping boys...Your Toronto Black Jays!!!
I don't know if I've touched on this before, but why is the formerly monikered SkyDome now called "Rogers Centre"? Do they play hockey or basketball in there?
Seriously, who came up with such a ludicrous idea for a ballpark name?
Only a Canadian marketing whiz would come up with such an idea. And only someone with no baseball sense would come up with the black jerseys with the abbreviated "Jays"on the front. I'll get to that later.
Only one other ballpark is called something other than field, park or stadium, and that's the Oakland Alameda Coliseum. I think that's what it's called. They play football in there too. Whatever, I'm fine with that.
I believe that some imbecile said, "Hey, hockey rinks and basketball arenas are called centres, so we can ours one too." No, you can't moron. It's a ballpark. A Field. A Stadium. What the hell would be wrong with Rogers Field? Tell me.
It's the exact thing I hate about the Black Jays right now. They're making some strides to return to being a competitive ballclub, but sometimes they seem interested in things other than baseball.
Black Jays Marketing Whiz - "Let's call it a Centre so people will think there's other things to do other than watch the actual baseball game."
Wrong idea. The way to get fans to the ballpark is by putting a winner of the field. Simple.
Same with the uni's. Let's change the uniforms so people will buy new jerseys and hats because we're losing money.
Well, put a better club out there and you won't have to change your colors every 5 years and be a joke.
Yankees? Red Sox? Not a joke.
That brings me to my final point about the "Jays" thing.
I despise the fact that it says Jays on their jersey and that Sportsnet and Rogers has the nerve to say "Rogers Jays baseball".
Again, some fool thought that because fans casually refer to the Blue Jays as the "Jays" ("Hey, wanna go to the Jays game?"), that it was alright to refer to them that way on TV and in print. It looks bush league.
When you watch a Yankees game on YES, they never say "Yanks", it's always Yankees baseball.
That's what drives me bananas about the Blue Jays organization. Until they change some of these things (which may seem minor or even ridiculous to the casual fan), they will never be an historic franchise. They may never be one anyway, but it would go a long way with me if they started acting like a baseball team. That's just what happens I guess when you live in a country in which the sport isn't number one, and never will be.
Bit of a rant...
I just came to that realization now. Many things enter the old dome during the course of the day that I either find funny, annoy me or just plain piss me off, but I do not come on here to post such thoughts. Well, starting now I am making a pledge to all of you (insert joke about having little to no readers here) that I will make more of an effort to contribute to this thing.
Now, having just read the previous post (dated February 17th - meaning Teebs and Goody never come on here either...I am not alone!), I'm going to give my two cents on the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
I'll say this: I usually don't watch the Olympics with great interest, but this year I was watching every day and loving almost of of the events (the cross-country skiing makes for bad television, yet no one is more exhausted or looks like they gave more effort than when the skiers cross the finish line).
Where was I? Oh yes...The games were pretty fantastic and it's great the Canadian athletes made such a strong push at the end to set a record for Gold Medals - the last being capped off with a Sidney Crosby OT winner. Incredible.
I don't know if I'll watch the next Olympic games as closely as I watched these, being that were on home soil, but I have more of an appreciation of the athletes and the events.
And now onto something that boils my blood often...the eternal whipping boys...Your Toronto Black Jays!!!
I don't know if I've touched on this before, but why is the formerly monikered SkyDome now called "Rogers Centre"? Do they play hockey or basketball in there?
Seriously, who came up with such a ludicrous idea for a ballpark name?
Only a Canadian marketing whiz would come up with such an idea. And only someone with no baseball sense would come up with the black jerseys with the abbreviated "Jays"on the front. I'll get to that later.
Only one other ballpark is called something other than field, park or stadium, and that's the Oakland Alameda Coliseum. I think that's what it's called. They play football in there too. Whatever, I'm fine with that.
I believe that some imbecile said, "Hey, hockey rinks and basketball arenas are called centres, so we can ours one too." No, you can't moron. It's a ballpark. A Field. A Stadium. What the hell would be wrong with Rogers Field? Tell me.
It's the exact thing I hate about the Black Jays right now. They're making some strides to return to being a competitive ballclub, but sometimes they seem interested in things other than baseball.
Black Jays Marketing Whiz - "Let's call it a Centre so people will think there's other things to do other than watch the actual baseball game."
Wrong idea. The way to get fans to the ballpark is by putting a winner of the field. Simple.
Same with the uni's. Let's change the uniforms so people will buy new jerseys and hats because we're losing money.
Well, put a better club out there and you won't have to change your colors every 5 years and be a joke.
Yankees? Red Sox? Not a joke.
That brings me to my final point about the "Jays" thing.
I despise the fact that it says Jays on their jersey and that Sportsnet and Rogers has the nerve to say "Rogers Jays baseball".
Again, some fool thought that because fans casually refer to the Blue Jays as the "Jays" ("Hey, wanna go to the Jays game?"), that it was alright to refer to them that way on TV and in print. It looks bush league.
When you watch a Yankees game on YES, they never say "Yanks", it's always Yankees baseball.
That's what drives me bananas about the Blue Jays organization. Until they change some of these things (which may seem minor or even ridiculous to the casual fan), they will never be an historic franchise. They may never be one anyway, but it would go a long way with me if they started acting like a baseball team. That's just what happens I guess when you live in a country in which the sport isn't number one, and never will be.
Bit of a rant...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Don't Rain On Our Parade
While this post would usually be a lenghty Bachelor recap, I have other things on my mind today. However, I will quickly, and I mean very quickly, touch on Monday's events...
- It's official, Jake is without penis
- Gia's boobs are amazing
- Tenley, while very attractive, is way too dull and boring
- Vienna is a gargoyle, and she's just a weird girl. She's not cool, not funny, and certainly not endearing. Tenley is void of personality but she's at least a nice, polite girl.
- My prediction of this week's rose ceremony was correct *patting self on back*
- Vienna will win.
- Watch out for the Ali factor. In the name of ratings and entertainment she could make some sort of comeback down the road when Jake realizes that Vienna is a joke.
- Ali or Tenley = the next Bachelorette.
Alright on to something that's caught my attention over the past few days. People slamming they city of Vancouver and the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
This is where our Canadian politeness and graciousness need to take a major backseat and we tell the world to STFU already. That means Shut the Fuck Up for those who don't know. I guess I could've just written that, oh well. Anyways...
The London Free Press did a little piece on the Vancouver games possibly being the worst games ever. Somehow they had the nerve to cite the rainy weather as being a major problem. I saw some British tard saying how it looks pretty bad to the rest of the world when the Winter Games are being held in a city with warm and rainy weather. Another factor being the tragic death of the Georgian luge athlete, where many critics are blaming the poor track design and safety precautions for the young man's death.
Here were my initial reactions to this.
A) London, England looking down upon the rainy Vancouver weather? Are you shitting me? London, England? Doesn't it rain there every other day? Give me a break. I hope a giant freak unstoppable hurricane somehow makes its way up the Atlantic and hits London for the 2012 Summer Games.
B) Munich, 1972. That's it. 11 Isreali athletes and coaches killed by terrorists during the Summer Games. If you don't know the whole story read this. Or go rent the movie which tells the story of the aftermath of those events. You want to talk about deaths in the Olympic games? Start there. The death of the Georgian athlete was obviously terrible. I don't want to sound insensitive but we can't just blame the organizers here. He was an inexperienced luger who did not even compete at the same level as most of his competitors in this event. A few thousand runs have been made down Vancouver course and this is the first time anything close to this magnitude has taken place. It is extremely unfortunate and sad, but it should not be a reason to bash this event as a whole.
OK, one more thing. I've lost a lot of respect for Rick Reilly as a sports writer in the past year or so. For those of you who don't know Rick Reilly, he's a highly acclaimed sports writer, former columnist for Sports Illustrated and now for ESPN.
I haven't read much Reilly since he left SI, and, in my opinion his work has sucked balls since he left. I've read his last couple columns (Column 1, Column 2) which are attempts at poking fun at Canadian stereotypes and such, but to me he just comes off sounding like the stereotypical arrogant American. Some of the stuff he goes for just isn't even funny, nor accurate (apparently we say "arse" instead of "butt"). In his second column he offers up the old "I was just kidding, don't be so sensitive" card, then proceeds to slam the opening ceremonies among other things.
If you're gonna do an article making digs at another country's culture quirks, it's gotta be accurate and at least moderately funny, otherwise you better expect some backlash. And there's nothing worse than the "I was just kidding" play. No one likes the guy who throws daggers and then backs off when people get a little offended.
Come on, Rick. You're better than that.
- It's official, Jake is without penis
- Gia's boobs are amazing
- Tenley, while very attractive, is way too dull and boring
- Vienna is a gargoyle, and she's just a weird girl. She's not cool, not funny, and certainly not endearing. Tenley is void of personality but she's at least a nice, polite girl.
- My prediction of this week's rose ceremony was correct *patting self on back*
- Vienna will win.
- Watch out for the Ali factor. In the name of ratings and entertainment she could make some sort of comeback down the road when Jake realizes that Vienna is a joke.
- Ali or Tenley = the next Bachelorette.
Alright on to something that's caught my attention over the past few days. People slamming they city of Vancouver and the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
This is where our Canadian politeness and graciousness need to take a major backseat and we tell the world to STFU already. That means Shut the Fuck Up for those who don't know. I guess I could've just written that, oh well. Anyways...
The London Free Press did a little piece on the Vancouver games possibly being the worst games ever. Somehow they had the nerve to cite the rainy weather as being a major problem. I saw some British tard saying how it looks pretty bad to the rest of the world when the Winter Games are being held in a city with warm and rainy weather. Another factor being the tragic death of the Georgian luge athlete, where many critics are blaming the poor track design and safety precautions for the young man's death.
Here were my initial reactions to this.
A) London, England looking down upon the rainy Vancouver weather? Are you shitting me? London, England? Doesn't it rain there every other day? Give me a break. I hope a giant freak unstoppable hurricane somehow makes its way up the Atlantic and hits London for the 2012 Summer Games.
B) Munich, 1972. That's it. 11 Isreali athletes and coaches killed by terrorists during the Summer Games. If you don't know the whole story read this. Or go rent the movie which tells the story of the aftermath of those events. You want to talk about deaths in the Olympic games? Start there. The death of the Georgian athlete was obviously terrible. I don't want to sound insensitive but we can't just blame the organizers here. He was an inexperienced luger who did not even compete at the same level as most of his competitors in this event. A few thousand runs have been made down Vancouver course and this is the first time anything close to this magnitude has taken place. It is extremely unfortunate and sad, but it should not be a reason to bash this event as a whole.
OK, one more thing. I've lost a lot of respect for Rick Reilly as a sports writer in the past year or so. For those of you who don't know Rick Reilly, he's a highly acclaimed sports writer, former columnist for Sports Illustrated and now for ESPN.
I haven't read much Reilly since he left SI, and, in my opinion his work has sucked balls since he left. I've read his last couple columns (Column 1, Column 2) which are attempts at poking fun at Canadian stereotypes and such, but to me he just comes off sounding like the stereotypical arrogant American. Some of the stuff he goes for just isn't even funny, nor accurate (apparently we say "arse" instead of "butt"). In his second column he offers up the old "I was just kidding, don't be so sensitive" card, then proceeds to slam the opening ceremonies among other things.
If you're gonna do an article making digs at another country's culture quirks, it's gotta be accurate and at least moderately funny, otherwise you better expect some backlash. And there's nothing worse than the "I was just kidding" play. No one likes the guy who throws daggers and then backs off when people get a little offended.
Come on, Rick. You're better than that.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
If You Don't Read This Post I'm Gonna Be Doing Backflips!
I don't really have much to say about the events that transpired on this week's episode of The Bachelor.
I thought it was easily the worst episode thus far. Just a complete overload of Jake being soft and the ladies being totally nuts. The grandmother spirit thing with Ali was just so over the top and Tenley's dance was just ridiculous. I was speechless after that performance and she immediately went into Vienna status. Meaning she fell 100 levels in my books, at least.
Ali leaving at the end was the most lame thing I've seen in a while when it comes to reality television. The simple choice is to go home and go to work if you have to. If he really wants to he'll get in touch with you later and you can get back to the love business. Done deal. Making that choice isnt nearly as difficult as she made it out to be. At least it shouldn't be.
Tenley's dance was ridiculous. End of story.
Can they make Tenley's ex-husband's image any worse? They make this guy sound like a complete douchebag all the time and I bet he's not even a bad guy at all. In fact, when Jake said he was the exact opposite of her ex I instantly came to to the conclusion that the ex would be one of the coolest guys ever.
I don't even remember what Vienna was doing in this episode because I probably changed the channel. I remember her Dad looking like a real winner though. Also, I love the Dads out there who still refer to there grown ass daughter as their little princess to their prospective boyfriends. Let's cut the fairy tale stuff at 18 or something. Your daughter's boyfriend doesn't want to think of her as your "little princess" when he's doing the no pants dance with her.
Gia's whole family meeting was alright I guess. I also heard that her brother is being cast for season 2 of Jersey Shore. What a plug that guy was.
Quote of the season so far (paraphrasing here): "If Ali decides to leave I'll be so upset I'll be doing backflips." - Jake
Come on, Ned Flanders. Backflips?
Oh yeah, one more thing. Was the L-bomb that Ali dropped really that big of a deal? I didn't think so. They pretty much tell each other that they love each other every 10 minutes with the "I'm falling in love with you line". Maybe it's me being a guy but I don't really see the difference. The show even went so far as to subtitle the "I love you" in case we suddenly lost our understanding of the English language.
That's it for Jake and the Gang. I'll throw a prediction out for the rest of the season.
Next week: Vienna and Tenley move on, Gia gets sent home
Finale: Vienna wins
Which is exactly the opposite of what I would do.
I thought it was easily the worst episode thus far. Just a complete overload of Jake being soft and the ladies being totally nuts. The grandmother spirit thing with Ali was just so over the top and Tenley's dance was just ridiculous. I was speechless after that performance and she immediately went into Vienna status. Meaning she fell 100 levels in my books, at least.
Ali leaving at the end was the most lame thing I've seen in a while when it comes to reality television. The simple choice is to go home and go to work if you have to. If he really wants to he'll get in touch with you later and you can get back to the love business. Done deal. Making that choice isnt nearly as difficult as she made it out to be. At least it shouldn't be.
Tenley's dance was ridiculous. End of story.
Can they make Tenley's ex-husband's image any worse? They make this guy sound like a complete douchebag all the time and I bet he's not even a bad guy at all. In fact, when Jake said he was the exact opposite of her ex I instantly came to to the conclusion that the ex would be one of the coolest guys ever.
I don't even remember what Vienna was doing in this episode because I probably changed the channel. I remember her Dad looking like a real winner though. Also, I love the Dads out there who still refer to there grown ass daughter as their little princess to their prospective boyfriends. Let's cut the fairy tale stuff at 18 or something. Your daughter's boyfriend doesn't want to think of her as your "little princess" when he's doing the no pants dance with her.
Gia's whole family meeting was alright I guess. I also heard that her brother is being cast for season 2 of Jersey Shore. What a plug that guy was.
Quote of the season so far (paraphrasing here): "If Ali decides to leave I'll be so upset I'll be doing backflips." - Jake
Come on, Ned Flanders. Backflips?
Oh yeah, one more thing. Was the L-bomb that Ali dropped really that big of a deal? I didn't think so. They pretty much tell each other that they love each other every 10 minutes with the "I'm falling in love with you line". Maybe it's me being a guy but I don't really see the difference. The show even went so far as to subtitle the "I love you" in case we suddenly lost our understanding of the English language.
That's it for Jake and the Gang. I'll throw a prediction out for the rest of the season.
Next week: Vienna and Tenley move on, Gia gets sent home
Finale: Vienna wins
Which is exactly the opposite of what I would do.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I'm a Fuckin Soldier! And I'm Old School...
First I'd like to thank Kellen Winslow, Jr. for inspiring the title for this post (what a loser).
Let's get right to it. I do not watch reality television (First 48 and programs like that are not the same), so I will not be commenting on The Bachelor and the moronic Jersey Shore escapades.
Garbage. Horseshit. Vomit.
These are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of these shows.
I am an intelligent, educated man and I will not subject myself to the advances of these ludicrous programs that are infiltrating my TV set based mostly on the fact that they can be produced on thye cheap. They don't have to pay actors. They have to pay for talent. Simple.
Now I will admit, I'm somewhat bitter. I've always dreamed about becoming an award winning thespian, so the idea that these people are on TV and in movies with no talent or experience rankles me...
"Oh, The fucking Situation is on television and is making money and then when the shows over will make even more money because of the show...he's on TV but I'm not?"
Can I be famous? Can I make lots of money? Someone help me out here. Why can't Teebs, Goody and Myself be on a show? It'd be funnier than anything out there. Book it!
Anyway, I'm an old school kind of guy. I like watching sports, old Seinfeld and Fresh Prince re-runs and a good ole Catch-the-bad-guy-crime show. Call me old fashioned, but I like watching things that make me say, "Well that's absolutely hilarious. No way I could do that."
I go to the gym, go for a tan and do laundry everyday pal...except I actually do none of those things on a daily basis.
I'm lazy, so no gym there.
I don't tan in the winter that's just silly.
And my girlfriend does my laundry.
But I could do those things! I could...I really could.
On a side note, I love the Leafs trade. Burkie is not fooling around. They won the deal, Phaneuf will step his game up and Giguere will get back to being a very good goalie now that he's re-united with Francois Allaire, his old goaltending coach.
And I like the Colts in the SuperBowl this weekend. I don't like predicting scores, but I think the Saints might be a little too amped up. The Colts, for the most part (and more importantly Peyton Manning) have been there before, so I think Indy takes it.
What? You want a score?...Ok, Ok.
Colts 34
Saints 23
Let's get right to it. I do not watch reality television (First 48 and programs like that are not the same), so I will not be commenting on The Bachelor and the moronic Jersey Shore escapades.
Garbage. Horseshit. Vomit.
These are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of these shows.
I am an intelligent, educated man and I will not subject myself to the advances of these ludicrous programs that are infiltrating my TV set based mostly on the fact that they can be produced on thye cheap. They don't have to pay actors. They have to pay for talent. Simple.
Now I will admit, I'm somewhat bitter. I've always dreamed about becoming an award winning thespian, so the idea that these people are on TV and in movies with no talent or experience rankles me...
"Oh, The fucking Situation is on television and is making money and then when the shows over will make even more money because of the show...he's on TV but I'm not?"
Can I be famous? Can I make lots of money? Someone help me out here. Why can't Teebs, Goody and Myself be on a show? It'd be funnier than anything out there. Book it!
Anyway, I'm an old school kind of guy. I like watching sports, old Seinfeld and Fresh Prince re-runs and a good ole Catch-the-bad-guy-crime show. Call me old fashioned, but I like watching things that make me say, "Well that's absolutely hilarious. No way I could do that."
I go to the gym, go for a tan and do laundry everyday pal...except I actually do none of those things on a daily basis.
I'm lazy, so no gym there.
I don't tan in the winter that's just silly.
And my girlfriend does my laundry.
But I could do those things! I could...I really could.
On a side note, I love the Leafs trade. Burkie is not fooling around. They won the deal, Phaneuf will step his game up and Giguere will get back to being a very good goalie now that he's re-united with Francois Allaire, his old goaltending coach.
And I like the Colts in the SuperBowl this weekend. I don't like predicting scores, but I think the Saints might be a little too amped up. The Colts, for the most part (and more importantly Peyton Manning) have been there before, so I think Indy takes it.
What? You want a score?...Ok, Ok.
Colts 34
Saints 23
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Jake The Snake Needs to Grow a Pair
1. That link in the post below showing Snooki getting absolutely clocked by the drunk guy is mesmerizing. What a shot. I challenge you not to watch that punch 10 times in a row. It's incredible. The guy with the white hat in the back watching the whole thing is great too. The recording cuts off right before his jaw falls off his face.
2. I'd just like to acknowledge the reader comments from my previous post. To Adrienne, there may very well be 9 reasons why I watch Jersey Shore, and "titties" is likely one of those. However, Ed Hardy enjoyment doesn't come anywhere close to cracking the list. A) I don't own a single article of Ed Hardy clothing. B) Seeing as it is adored by guidos, I don't think I'll be hitting up my local retailer anytime soon.
Also, the comment by Mr. or Ms. Anonymous has raised a few questions for me. Popping corn, sitting on a couch and getting my head rubbed sounds like an outstanding trio of events, but who am I doing this with? I'm going to assume either Goody or Nabber, and I would gladly pop corn and get a head rub from either of those 2 fine gentlemen. Please clarify. Also, what is Broke Back Mounting? Never heard of it....
Alright let's move on to what I really came to do...A quick recap of last night's events on the Bachelor.
I could be completely alienating the 10 person fanbase that we've accumulated here but that's just too bad. To those of you who question my sexuality for watching this show, think what you want. Unfortunately, at this point in my life I have no solid evidence to show that I'm not a homosexual. Let's get to it...
First of all, this guy just needs to man up once in a while. There were moments in this episode where Jake could've really showed me that he actually has a pair and instead he just pussies out. For example, during the date with Corrie they come to an absolute standstill in the boat, where she is pretty much begging for him to kiss her without actually saying "Hey, idiot, just lean over here and lay one on me, you pussy." What does he do? He sits there and after an excruciating few moments of silence he says, "I'm about ready for dinner." Nice play.
Sidenote: I didn't even include Corrie on the poll which was made before the show aired. That's how forgettable she was and obviously she paid the price.
Gia is probably the best looking girl on the show and I think Jake knows it. I think if he was asked who he would most like to have sex with it would be her. Hmm, why don't they ask stuff like that? Talk about a ratings booster. Who wouldn't like to see Jake sit down with the host and be questioned about stuff like that? Or, how cool would it be if at this point he had the option to sleep with one of them, but the girl he chooses is immediately eliminated from the show? Would there be any takers there? What are the other consequences if he does take that route? Do the other girls get to know? What a concept.
Who am I kidding, this is the same guy who said something about how he could could curl up with Ali and feel safe with her. Wow. Nevermind, that idea wouldn't even be discussed with Jake.
Speaking of Ali, she's probably got the most personality of any of them. I'd take her with Gia's looks.
Tenley looks to be the frontrunner right now, which is no real surprise as she has about as little personality as Jake does. I'm not really surprised to learn that she's a divorcee. What normal guy would be able to talk about nothing all day, even with a good looking girl like that. I'm also not surprised to see that Jake is into her considering he has no personality to speak of either.
Last, and most certainly least, comes Vienna, who is a sick joke. She's crosseyed for starters, and she's a retard. Bad combo. I've heard rumours that he picks her in the end, which would be the biggest joke of all time. It would suit him though, he'll probably pick her out of fear that she'll kill him or herself if she doesn't get chosen.
That's about all I have for now. If you've been tuning in, great work, let me know what you think of what has transpired so far. If you haven't, get with the program and start watching. I'll probably be back next Tuesday to comment on this matter.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sloppy Seconds and Fist Pumpin' Like Champs!
I wasn’t going to talk about sports but I think it’s almost impossible not to after the big news out of Leaf Land earlier today. I first heard the news about the Phaneuf trade through sportsnet (yes, I admit I was actually watching this poor excuse of a sports channel). It was early Sunday (around 2pm) and I was just waking up, at first I thought I had dreamt it, the dream involved myself, Dion, Elisha, and those sloppy seconds Sean Avery had referred to last year, let’s just say it was a good dream. Once I finally came to I immediately hopped on the internet and read all about the blockbuster deal that sent Phaneuf, a prospect, and that guy who scored that sweet end to end goal for Phoenix a few years back to Toronto in exchange for Hagman, Stajan, White, and Mayars. There is no doubt that this trade will be analyzed to death by the professionals over the next few weeks/months/ years throughout Toronto/GTA/Ontario/Canada.
I think it is interesting and probably a good deal for the Leafs. They often say whoever gets the best player in the trade is usually the winner, in this case it is Phaneuf. Can’t say the Leafs didn’t win anything this year. The other trade, although not as big, may prove to be more beneficial, not for the fact that the Leafs got a once dominate goaltender in J.S. Giguere, but rather the fact that they got rid of Jason Blake and that stupid contract...oh, and that goalie...Vesa what’s his bucket. As a Leaf fan I guess that I am happy about the trades, here’s hoping there is more retooling this trade deadline and throughout the off season.
Now onto the important stuff, reality television! I, like Tbo, am a huge fan of this garbage, it’s a guilty pleasure. My reality T.V. watching days began many moons ago with such gems as Average Joe’s, Joe Millionaire, Temptation Island, Laguna Beach, and perhaps my favourite; The Joe Schmo Show. I am well aware that most of these programs are mind numbing garbage but it’s just so hard to look away. The more ridiculous they are; the better. Jersey Shore was one of the more memorable reality programs in recent years, I mean, what’s not to love? There were blow outs, fist pumps, teachers punching hobbits, hot tub parties and of course, a duck phone...all of this lead to T.V. gold.
One of the greatest T.V. role models was born during the Jersey Shore...of course I am referring to Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. Parents, take notes, this guy is what your child could grow up to become if you continue to use top notch parenting skills. His daily regimen of gym, tan, laundry, or GTL, as many refer to it, is the definition of hard work and determination and is surely a product of a stern, military style upbringing. His self confidence and exquisite sense of style must have been passed down to him from a gentleman of a father. Not to be overlooked is his ability to look for personality in a girl over looks, which must be the reason why he often brought home girls which were less than good looking, this is clearly something that was passed down to him from his mother. He also has great communication skills and knows when not to hit a girl, even if she throws a deadly spinning left hook. One of these days I hope to be like The Situation, being well into my 50’s and living at a house full of 20 something’s that I still consider my peers. I just hope my parents raised me as well as the Sorrentinos.

Jersey Shore has recently been renewed for another season, here is hoping that it will continue to provide us with all things guido, until then I will be watching as Jake picks his fiancé, If he chooses Vienna Sausage over Tetley Tea I am sure you will be reading about it on your favourite blog....
I think it is interesting and probably a good deal for the Leafs. They often say whoever gets the best player in the trade is usually the winner, in this case it is Phaneuf. Can’t say the Leafs didn’t win anything this year. The other trade, although not as big, may prove to be more beneficial, not for the fact that the Leafs got a once dominate goaltender in J.S. Giguere, but rather the fact that they got rid of Jason Blake and that stupid contract...oh, and that goalie...Vesa what’s his bucket. As a Leaf fan I guess that I am happy about the trades, here’s hoping there is more retooling this trade deadline and throughout the off season.
Now onto the important stuff, reality television! I, like Tbo, am a huge fan of this garbage, it’s a guilty pleasure. My reality T.V. watching days began many moons ago with such gems as Average Joe’s, Joe Millionaire, Temptation Island, Laguna Beach, and perhaps my favourite; The Joe Schmo Show. I am well aware that most of these programs are mind numbing garbage but it’s just so hard to look away. The more ridiculous they are; the better. Jersey Shore was one of the more memorable reality programs in recent years, I mean, what’s not to love? There were blow outs, fist pumps, teachers punching hobbits, hot tub parties and of course, a duck phone...all of this lead to T.V. gold.
One of the greatest T.V. role models was born during the Jersey Shore...of course I am referring to Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. Parents, take notes, this guy is what your child could grow up to become if you continue to use top notch parenting skills. His daily regimen of gym, tan, laundry, or GTL, as many refer to it, is the definition of hard work and determination and is surely a product of a stern, military style upbringing. His self confidence and exquisite sense of style must have been passed down to him from a gentleman of a father. Not to be overlooked is his ability to look for personality in a girl over looks, which must be the reason why he often brought home girls which were less than good looking, this is clearly something that was passed down to him from his mother. He also has great communication skills and knows when not to hit a girl, even if she throws a deadly spinning left hook. One of these days I hope to be like The Situation, being well into my 50’s and living at a house full of 20 something’s that I still consider my peers. I just hope my parents raised me as well as the Sorrentinos.

Jersey Shore has recently been renewed for another season, here is hoping that it will continue to provide us with all things guido, until then I will be watching as Jake picks his fiancé, If he chooses Vienna Sausage over Tetley Tea I am sure you will be reading about it on your favourite blog....
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Snookin For Love
Does anyone still read this??
What great dedication the 3 of us have here. We come back after a huge hiatus and bang out a few posts, then Goody and I take another month off and Nabber tosses in a Mark McGwire post about a week after it was actual news. (Great post though Nabber, agreed with all of it, I miss your face).
Anyways, we've been talking way too much about sports lately. Who really gives a damn about sports in January when you live in the GTA? Seriously. Everyone sucks. It's depressing.
Instead of talking about sports I'm just gonna hit you with a few things that matter to me on this particular day.
1. It's Saturday night and I'll be heading out to the Whitby scene with a few of the boys soon. (No Girls Allowed). What the fuck happened to this place? When I was 19 this town was full of decent bars to go to. Now where can I go? The Tap & Tankard andddddd..... yeah that's it. OTR is now the Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch Outlet Mall, Lava is just flat out gone (RIP), Heat is, well... Heat, and Sand Bar/110/Echo/former gay bar/Rodeo Saloon is just god awful. Oh, and what a horrible name. Rodeo Saloon? Fuck that's creative. Let's just pick out two Western related words and put them together. I guess Cowboy Ranch didn't make the cut. Awful.
2. TV viewing has been pretty solid lately. What more can be said about Jersey Shore? You could tell from the previews of this show that it was destined for greatness. I'd easily put it in my top 5 reality shows of all time. My only gripe is that there was no mention of the "My New Haircut" video by MTV or anyone for that matter. The After Show or something should've done a segment where they used pieces from that video and ran them in comparison with some of the moments on the show. It would've been outstanding. Maybe I'll work on that for the blog here. Ha, yeah right...

I'm hooked on The Bachelor as well. He's so fuckin cute. Whaaaat...I mean I'm hooked on the show. 2 hours is a little much, there are far too many gratuitous ab shots of the guy and I don't see how going to an amusement park with 5 girls would ever be fun, but what the hell. I get to see a bunch of chicks (several with storebought boobs) parade around and listen to all the dumb things they say. I also get to listen to my dad ask me if I'm "turning gay on him" and if I'm ever going to get a girlfriend again. Awesome.
3. If you haven't already, go watch the movie The Hurt Locker. There were a lot of good movies in 2009 that Avatar is completely overshadowing, and this is definitely one of them. Avatar was great, no doubt, but not THAT great. Other than the visuals, which are definitely amazing, the rest is standard fare. I'm not gonna sit here and hate on Avatar, it was very good. The Hurt Locker was just a really cool movie. I haven't seen a movie where I actually gave a fuck about the characters in a while, but I did in this. Just really gripping and very entertaining all around. Jesus, what is this, Ebert and Roeper? Just go rent it, it's sweet.

Well that was a nice change from talking about the Black Jays and Gayple Leafs. I'm gonna throw out my NFL picks for fun though for all you sports junkies.
Colts 23 Jets 13
Vikings 31 Saints 28
By the way, I'm 2-6 so far. Those are probably losing picks.
What great dedication the 3 of us have here. We come back after a huge hiatus and bang out a few posts, then Goody and I take another month off and Nabber tosses in a Mark McGwire post about a week after it was actual news. (Great post though Nabber, agreed with all of it, I miss your face).
Anyways, we've been talking way too much about sports lately. Who really gives a damn about sports in January when you live in the GTA? Seriously. Everyone sucks. It's depressing.
Instead of talking about sports I'm just gonna hit you with a few things that matter to me on this particular day.
1. It's Saturday night and I'll be heading out to the Whitby scene with a few of the boys soon. (No Girls Allowed). What the fuck happened to this place? When I was 19 this town was full of decent bars to go to. Now where can I go? The Tap & Tankard andddddd..... yeah that's it. OTR is now the Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch Outlet Mall, Lava is just flat out gone (RIP), Heat is, well... Heat, and Sand Bar/110/Echo/former gay bar/Rodeo Saloon is just god awful. Oh, and what a horrible name. Rodeo Saloon? Fuck that's creative. Let's just pick out two Western related words and put them together. I guess Cowboy Ranch didn't make the cut. Awful.
2. TV viewing has been pretty solid lately. What more can be said about Jersey Shore? You could tell from the previews of this show that it was destined for greatness. I'd easily put it in my top 5 reality shows of all time. My only gripe is that there was no mention of the "My New Haircut" video by MTV or anyone for that matter. The After Show or something should've done a segment where they used pieces from that video and ran them in comparison with some of the moments on the show. It would've been outstanding. Maybe I'll work on that for the blog here. Ha, yeah right...

I'm hooked on The Bachelor as well. He's so fuckin cute. Whaaaat...I mean I'm hooked on the show. 2 hours is a little much, there are far too many gratuitous ab shots of the guy and I don't see how going to an amusement park with 5 girls would ever be fun, but what the hell. I get to see a bunch of chicks (several with storebought boobs) parade around and listen to all the dumb things they say. I also get to listen to my dad ask me if I'm "turning gay on him" and if I'm ever going to get a girlfriend again. Awesome.
3. If you haven't already, go watch the movie The Hurt Locker. There were a lot of good movies in 2009 that Avatar is completely overshadowing, and this is definitely one of them. Avatar was great, no doubt, but not THAT great. Other than the visuals, which are definitely amazing, the rest is standard fare. I'm not gonna sit here and hate on Avatar, it was very good. The Hurt Locker was just a really cool movie. I haven't seen a movie where I actually gave a fuck about the characters in a while, but I did in this. Just really gripping and very entertaining all around. Jesus, what is this, Ebert and Roeper? Just go rent it, it's sweet.

Well that was a nice change from talking about the Black Jays and Gayple Leafs. I'm gonna throw out my NFL picks for fun though for all you sports junkies.
Colts 23 Jets 13
Vikings 31 Saints 28
By the way, I'm 2-6 so far. Those are probably losing picks.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mark McGLiar
Hello out there!
Just wanted to give my take on the whole Mark McGwire situation, even though it's somewhat "old news" at this point.
Mark McGwire is a joke. Not because he used steroids though, oh no no no. I understand the "era" for what it was - a time when every Mark, Jose and Barry was able (allowed?) to 'roid up.
Since this story broke, a few former players have spoken out about this issue, including Jack Clark and the great Carlton Fisk. They're all totally against all of this, and I don't blame them.
They were guys who worked hard to get to where they got to, probably without the use of banned substances like steriods.
But why should someone like me get all twisted up over this? I didn't play. Roids were NOT against the rules in Major League Baseball, and although I tend to be more on the side of the guys that didn't use, I see clearly the viewpoints of the 'roid users. And I understand why they took them. I don't really blame them, and I'm not angry at all.

Back to McGwire. He came out and admitted that he used steroids.
Ok that's great Mark, but why don't you go all the way with the truth?
McGwire believes that steroids did not help him hit any of his 583 career homeruns.
He only used them to "stay healthy and get back onto the field."
Why does he think anyone will buy that? It's such a joke.
Again, come out and say you did it, but when you do, just say some thing along the lines of
"It was a mistake, and I regret it. I owe some of my numbers to steroids, that's for sure."
I would love to see that. So would everyone else.
And just as a side not here, McGwire is not a hall of famer either. I believe people should get into the hall of fame regardless of steroid use, but even so, Big Mac's numbers do not stack up enough for me. All he has going for him are the 583 homers.
Just wanted to give my take on the whole Mark McGwire situation, even though it's somewhat "old news" at this point.
Mark McGwire is a joke. Not because he used steroids though, oh no no no. I understand the "era" for what it was - a time when every Mark, Jose and Barry was able (allowed?) to 'roid up.
Since this story broke, a few former players have spoken out about this issue, including Jack Clark and the great Carlton Fisk. They're all totally against all of this, and I don't blame them.
They were guys who worked hard to get to where they got to, probably without the use of banned substances like steriods.
But why should someone like me get all twisted up over this? I didn't play. Roids were NOT against the rules in Major League Baseball, and although I tend to be more on the side of the guys that didn't use, I see clearly the viewpoints of the 'roid users. And I understand why they took them. I don't really blame them, and I'm not angry at all.

Back to McGwire. He came out and admitted that he used steroids.
Ok that's great Mark, but why don't you go all the way with the truth?
McGwire believes that steroids did not help him hit any of his 583 career homeruns.
He only used them to "stay healthy and get back onto the field."
Why does he think anyone will buy that? It's such a joke.
Again, come out and say you did it, but when you do, just say some thing along the lines of
"It was a mistake, and I regret it. I owe some of my numbers to steroids, that's for sure."
I would love to see that. So would everyone else.
And just as a side not here, McGwire is not a hall of famer either. I believe people should get into the hall of fame regardless of steroid use, but even so, Big Mac's numbers do not stack up enough for me. All he has going for him are the 583 homers.
Now, that's a shit load of dingers, but do me a favour and look at some of the guys in history who have close to, but not quite 500 homers.
Then compare the other offensive numbers of those guys to McGwire's.
In closing, Mark McGwire might be a good guy, but he's a terrible liar.
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